Eastern 1203

120' x 40' x 8' Cargo Barge

Name of Vessel Eastern 1203
Type of Vessel Steel Deck Barge
Flag Singapore
Class Germanischer Lloyd
Built 2007
Principal Particulars
Gross Tonnage 260
Net Tonnage 78
Length 120 feet
Breadth 40 feet
Depth 8 feet
Draft (light/loaded) 2.4m / 0.3m
Deadweight 860 tons
Deck Loading Capacity 4 MT / m2
Scantlings Top: 12 mm
Side: 9.5 mm
Bottom: 9.5 mm
Number of Bulkheads 1 Longitudinal
4 Transverse
Deck Equipment
Anchor Winch 1 x Manual
Anchor 1 x Stockless
Bollards 6 Twin Bitt Bollards
Smit Brackets Forward and Aft
Stanchions Fitted
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